
Accommodation & Dining

Our accommodation and food are specially adapted for the player development.


Personal Basketball Training Academy players have the opportunity to choose some of the suites we use.

Players are housed in two-bed suites with a bathroom, a kitchen, air conditioning, wi-fi, a washing machine, a television and a refrigerator. There are all the little things that players use for everyday activities (irons, hairdryers, clothes dryers, blenders, juicers, etc.) in the suite.
If the player wants to stay alone in the suite or if his/her family member or a partner wants to stay during the entire stay of the player, the price is increased by an additional 300 EUR for a period of one month.
Pictures of available suites: Suite 1, Suite 2, Suitet 3, Suite 4, Hotel suites for large groups of players who come to our program for preparation.
Suite 1 Suite 2 Suite 3 Suite 4


After the player has performed the initial tests where we get the initial measures of weight, muscle circumference, fat percentage and strength of certain muscles, we find out the starting position of the player. After determining the starting position, we decide on the physical goal of each player individually. And based on the goal, we create a diet plan for each player and the program that he/she should stick to.

The concept of diet is such that the player receives a weekly budget that can be used for food. More than 10 restaurants with different menus are available at a distance of 500 meters from the suite. The choice of meals in restaurants should be adapted to the obtained diet plan.

There is a fridge in each suite, so players generally have breakfast in the suite, as well as quick snacks between meals.

The choice of food in restaurants is very wide: various boiled meals, grilled meat, soups, pastas, salads, fruit, sweets, vegetables ... Players can find all their favorite dishes in restaurants.

The estimated budget covers approximately three to four meals a day at the restaurant.

Nutrition example photos
An example of the nutrition program in a training day:
  • 6:30 Breakfast at home (cereals with milk, healthy bread with various fruit spreads or salty spreads and meat). A player can take bananas, oranges and lemonade with him/her to the training
  • 7:30 - 10:00 first training
  • 10:30 first meal at the restaurant (rice or pasta with chicken, cheese and salad according to your choice)
  • 11:00 - 14:00 rest or sleep
  • 14:00 snack (carbohydrates according to your choice)
  • 14:30 - 17:00 the second training (taking lemonade with you)
  • 17:30 the second meal at the restaurant (beef with potatoes and salad)
  • 18:00 free time
  • 21:00 the third meal at the restaurant (fish and vegetables)
  • 22:00 - 23: 00 going to sleep

This is just an example of a one-day menu for a player to choose from.

A player chooses what he or she eats for each meal following a diet plan that generally defines the ratios of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

During the course of the program, players will also gain a theoretical knowledge of healthy sports diet from our coaches that they need to put into practice.

Watch a video on the concept of diet:

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Personal Basketball Training Academy concept of diet video: